On November 2, 2012, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) released their quarterly report for the first quarter of 2013. In the report, USAC asserts that they have “‚Ķa foundation of processes, systems, [and] procedures” to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse, and are evaluating “additional measures” to help control improper payments to beneficiaries. USAC reported that the FY 2010 improper payment rate was .94% ($21.9 million) and that the improper payment rate for FY 2011 had increased to 1.91% ($43.4 million.)
USAC currently estimates that $100 million is available from previous years to potentially carry over into Funding Year 2013. There is $50 million available from FY2008 and another $50 million from FY2009.
The quarterly report also highlights the number of pending applications (Forms 471) remaining for each funding year. As of September 30, 2012: