The Schools and Libraries Division has provided details of the first funding wave for FY 2008. The wave, which commits $352,633,067.07, includes funding decisions for requests made by 7,251 applicants. This means that an average of $48,636 was committed to each applicant in the wave. The largest commitments totaling $14.32 million were issued to Chicago Public Schools. The smallest amount committed to an individual applicant in the wave was $74.38 and issued to Lincoln Elementary School District in California.
This wave represents one of the largest first waves for a funding year in the history of the E-rate program and included applicants in every state, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands. This wave is expected to kick off a pattern of weekly commitment waves for Funding Year 2008, which begins on July 1, 2008.
The wave was exclusive to the Priority One service categories of Telecommunications Services and Internet Access Services.
To learn more about this wave, and all other E-rate funding waves, visit the Funds For Learning's Wave Report Repository.