The SLD released wave 39 in FY 2006 this week committing $29,406,703.14 with $15,234,569.80 being committed for priority two requests. The SLD has committed $1,667,877,913 and has $1,126,052,109 still pending for FY 2006 applications. The SLD has not indicated when they might be able to lower the FY 2006 discount rate below the 86% discount threshold.
The full funding waves can be viewed at E-rate Manager Wave Reports
SLD Commits Another $29 million in FY 2006

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Our mission is to provide high-quality consulting and support services for the needs of E-rate program participants. We consult with applicants to help them understand, effectively utilize, and maintain compliance with E-rate rules and regulations. We help prepare and submit paperwork, and interact with program administrators on our clients’ behalf.