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Funding Year 2002, 2003 and 2004 Waves Released

Last week the SLD sent 2002 funding letters to three applicants committing $2 million. The SLD committed $2.235,007,390 in 2002 and close to $24 million is still pending.

Three applicants were sent 2003 funding letters last week which consisted of $770,000 worth of committed funds. Close to $2.7 billion has been committed in 2003 with approximately $69 million pending.

The SLD also released a 2004 funding wave last week committing $429,000. Three applicants received funding letters which brings the total 2004 committed amount to $2.3 billion with close to $282 million still pending.

The SLD will released regular 2004 and 2005 funding waves until the process is complete.

The full funding waves can be viewed at E-rate Manager Wave Reports.

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