E-rate applicants are reminded that Thursday Jan. 18 is the close of the filing window for Form 471 applications for the program's fourth funding year.
This year the program changed its rules for meeting the deadline. For an application to be considered "filed" by the deadline, the application, the signed and dated certification form, and all "Description of Services-Block 5, Item 21" attachments must be postmarked by that date. In addition, any certification forms for Form 470 applications cited by that application must also be postmarked by that date.
Note that although the Schools and Libraries Division says that the filing deadline extends to 11:59 p.m. on the night of Jan. 18, applicants are cautioned about posting an online application late that night. The official signature certification form that an applicant will need to complete the process will not be generated until the online application is posted, and there may not be enough time left at night to get it into the mail or to a delivery service on time.
Schools and libraries that plan to file their Form 471 application on paper are also reminded that the SLD has implemented a new Form 471 application form this year. Applicants must use the form that carries the date "October 2000" in the lower right hand corner or their applications will be rejected.
The SLD's Client Service Bureau will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday through Monday, Jan. 13-15 to field last-minute questions from applicants, in addition to their regular business hours the rest of the week.