Discover the Results
The purpose of the Trends Report is to provide stakeholders with a broader picture of the E-rate program. The data and information provided is derived from publicly available funding request data as well as a nationwide survey of applicants conducted annually.

Funds For Learning to release findings from its 12th annual E-rate Trends Report. Nearly 2,100 responses were submitted by E-rate applicants, a 10% response rate.
E-rate fulfilling its mission. 94% of applicants agree that E-rate is vital to their Internet connectivity.
EdTech Landscape
Digital learning continues to explode. 84% expect bandwidth needs to increase in the next 3 years.
Impact on Purchasing
New policies yield lower prices. 83% of applicants agree that E-rate supports cost-effective spending.
Changes to ESL
Network security is a critical issue. 98% of applicants agree that network security should qualify for E-rate support.
Barriers to Internet still exist. 78% of applicants agree that insufficient Internet access is significant issue.
Program Administration
E-rate admin creating positive results. Only 9% of applicants are dissatisfied with USAC, the program administrator.
Watch the 2022 E-rate Trends Report results Webinar
Past E-rate Trends Reports
Trends Report Webinar Recordings