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Schools & Libraries Board Agenda

The USAC Schools and Libraries Committee holds quarterly meetings to provide policy guidance to the SLD on a variety of E-rate topics. The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for October 24, 2016. The meetings are open to the public, and the agenda for the upcoming meeting is as follows:

Open Session

Approval of Schools and Libraries Committee Meeting Minutes of July 25, 2016,  and October 12, 2016

Approval of moving all Executive Session items into Executive Session.

Routine Procurements: Deemed consideration and approval in Executive Session.

Action on 21 USAC Internal Audit Division Schools and Libraries Support Mechanism Beneficiary Audits Executive Session Option

Consideration of Funding Year 2017 Filing Window Dates

Approval of Schools and Libraries Support Mechanism 3rd Quarterly 2016 Programmatic Budget and Demand Projection for the May 2, 2016 FCC Filing

Consideration of Funding Year 2016 Funding Window Dates

General Business Update

Key Measurements

Strategic Initiatives

Executive Session

EPC Update

EPC Planning and Costs  Contract Action

Approval of 1st Quarter 2017 Programmatic Budget and Demand Projection for the November 2, 2016 FCC Filing

The full agenda can be viewed here.

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